The Hair Loss Doctors By Robert J. Dorin

Are Hair Transplants Permanent?

Sep 14, 2013 @ 05:25 PM — by Robert True
Tagged with: Hair Restoration Hair Transplants

Male pattern balding and age-related hair loss can be quite pronounced, leaving some men feeling self-conscious about their appearance. That's why there are so many options out there for hair restoration. There are both surgical and non-surgical treatments to consider, and our goal is for all of our patients to appreciate the results that are achieved no matter what kind of treatment is performed.

Many men come to our hair clinics in order to find out about surgical hair replacement and how that might be best for them. They often have many questions about the results, particularly if they are in fact permanent. We'd like to take this opportunity to look at this right now.

About Hair Restoration Surgery

There are different methods of surgical hair restoration out there, but the principal remains the same. Healthy hair follicles are taken from a donor area of a man's scalp, usually from the lower and back portion of the scalp. These follicles are then carefully transplanted to a bald portion of the scalp where they will naturally grow hair.

Ideal Candidates for Hair Restoration Surgery

The best candidates for surgical hair restoration are older men who are in generally good health and have experienced some degree of hair loss. Age, extent of hair loss, and other factors play a part in candidacy for surgery and will be addressed by our hair restoration specialists during the consultation process.

Will the surgical results be permanent?

Yes, surgical hair restoration results are permanent and they result in the growth of natural hair. This is the reason why so many people elect to undergo surgical hair restoration rather than non-surgical treatments.

Why is that the case?

During a procedure such as follicular unit extraction (FUE), the actual follicles are harvested and placed into the bald area of the scalp. So long as the transplant surgery is successful and the follicles are healthy, the transplanted follicles will produce hair in their new area naturally and permanently.

Alternatives to Hair Restoration Surgery

For people who are not ideal candidates for hair restoration surgery, there are plenty of other options to consider for hair restoration. A common non-surgical option that is quite effective is the use of medications that promote hair growth, such as Rogaine or Preopecia. Should you not be a good candidate for either of those medications, there are also hair pieces to consider, which are more sophisticated than the old wigs of yesteryear.

Weighing All of Your Options

It's important to us that our patients are happy with any decisions they make and that they are pleased by the results. Whether you undergo a surgical treatment or non-surgical treatment, the most important concern to us is that you understand all of your options for care and make the best possible decision to meet your needs.

Learn More About Hair Restoration Surgery

For more information about hair restoration surgery and how it can give you the full head of hair that you've been longing for, be sure to contact our hair loss specialists in New York, Boston, and New Jersey today. The entire team looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve the full head of hair you've wanted for so long.