The Hair Loss Doctors By Robert J. Dorin

Hair Loss and the Keto Diet

Oct 30, 2018 @ 12:44 PM — by Robert True
Tagged with: Hair Loss

The keto diet is a low-carb eating plan that many have found effective in encouraging significant weight loss. However, some patients have also found that an unexpected side effect of the keto diet is hair loss.

Within a few months of starting the keto diet, dieters may notice that their hair is thinning or that a significant amount of hair is falling out when they brush or shampoo.

At True & Dorin Medical Group, our doctors offer hair loss treatment to restore fullness to the hair line. However, hair loss treatment is not appropriate in all situations. Here, we discuss how the keto diet can affect hair loss, and what our New York, NY patients can do to prevent further thinning.

Reasons for Hair Loss

The keto diet is not the first low-carb diet to become trendy, and it is also not the first to cause hair loss. Many diets cause thinning or hair loss within the first few months of dietary changes.

Here are some of the reasons that the keto diet can result in hair loss:

Minimizing Hair Loss

Many people find that hair loss associated with the keto diet is only temporary. Once the body adjusts to dietary changes, hair volume should be restored. However, there are some steps that individuals can take to minimize hair loss, including:

If hair loss continues to be a concern, it may be time to work with a hair loss specialist, such as those at True & Dorin Medical Group to see if there are other causes of hair loss, and if hair loss treatment may be necessary.

Contact Us

If you are experiencing thinning hair or significant hair loss and would like to learn more about the treatments offered at True & Dorin Medical Group, contact us at your earliest convenience.