The Hair Loss Doctors By Robert J. Dorin

Causes of Hair Loss in Male Teenagers

Jun 6, 2018 @ 11:55 AM — by Robert True
Tagged with: Hair Loss Hair Thinning

Significant hair loss in teenage boys is rare. Typically hair loss won’t be apparent until a male is in their twenties or thirties. For perspective, most people lose about 50 to 100 hairs a day. For hair loss to be noticeable, a boy or young man would have to lose many more hairs than that consistently.

Whatever your age, our New York, NY hair loss treatment center offers plenty of surgical and non-surgical options. Let’s consider some of the most common causes of balding among teenage boys and provide a brief overview of what treatment might entail.

Early Male Pattern Baldness

While most men won’t experience male pattern baldness until their twenties and thirties, it is possible for this type of hair loss to being at an early age. In fact, some estimates suggest that 25 percent of cases of male pattern baldness begin when a male is younger than 21.

Traction Alopecia

Certain hair styles can result in traction alopecia. This means that the hair is being pulled and the scalp is being placed under a great deal of stress. Buns and braids can lead to damaged hair follicles and bald patches in portions of the scalp. Keep this in mind the next time your hair is up in a bun or braided.

Poor Diet

Eating right can promote total wellness and proper function of the body. If you eat too many process foods and suffer from certain vitamin or mineral deficiencies, that could result in brittle hair and hair loss. Be sure to eat right and take vitamin supplements if necessary.


Growing up is difficult and full of emotional and physiological changes. School, hormones, and other factors can lead to a great deal of stress. Stress happens to be one of the contributing factors to hair loss.

Certain Medications

If you take certain kinds of medications, side effects are bound to happen. As it turns out, many teens take drugs to help treat acne, depression, and mood disorders. Sometimes these drugs can cause hair loss as a side effect.

Alopecia Areata

An autoimmune disease, alopecia areata occurs when the immune systems attacks your own hair follicles. This leads to bald patches in portions of the scalp. It’s estimated that 1 in 50 people will experience some degree of alopecia areata at some point of their life.


Trichotillomania is a psychological disorder that involves people compulsively pulling out their own hair. This condition affects roughly 2.5 millions people, and is most common in children between the ages of 9 and 13.

Treating Male Teenage Hair Loss

Treating male hair loss can take many forms, and the right option will depend on the cause of the balding. During a consultation with our team, we can go over your situation and offer insight into the best options for treatment in the short term and in the long run.

Learn More About Your Treatment Options

If you would like more information about premature balding and what can be done about it, contact our team of hair loss specialists. We will answer questions, address concerns, and help you get a fuller and healthier head of hair.