The Hair Loss Doctors By Robert J. Dorin

Female Hair Loss Statistics: Know The Numbers

Jun 2, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Robert True
Tagged with: Hair Loss Hair Transplants

When we think of hair loss, we often imagine a balding man. However, what many people do not realize is that women also suffer from alopecia. At True & Dorin, we can identify and treat female hair loss to help women enjoy full, beautiful locks. Congenital conditions, stress, illness, inadequate nutrition, hormonal changes, injuries, surgeries, and other issues can cause women’s hair to thin or disappear in certain regions. Female hair loss can interfere with patients’ confidence and self-esteem, as well as increase skin sensitivity in these areas. Our specialists provide a variety of solutions to help restore women’s hairlines. In the following blog post, we discuss important female hair loss statistics and explain how we can help at our New York practice.

Female Hair Loss By The Numbers

Female hair loss may not seem to be a prevalent condition, but the data doesn’t lie. Review the following statistics to learn more about alopecia in women:

These numbers suggest that female hair loss is a serious and widespread issue in the United States, even if it is rarely discussed.

Types of Female Alopecia

Female hair loss is often less noticeable because it doesn’t follow the same patterns as male alopecia. Some women experience androgenic type hair loss, leading to a receding hairline, but the most common form of female hair loss is a “Ludwig classification,” which involves thinning hair directly behind the hairline. Others may suffer from diffuse alopecia, which is not localized to a particular region of the scalp, or angular alopecia, which involves hair loss on either side of the head but not along the main region of the scalp. No matter which type of female hair loss you experience, our doctors can help you repair your condition and regain your locks.

Our Treatment Options

If you’re one of the millions of women suffering from alopecia, Dr. True and Dr. Dorin can diagnose your condition and recommend one of the following treatments:

Contact True & Dorin Today

Our specialists can educate you about female hair loss, determine if you suffer from this condition, and provide advanced treatments to restore your locks. To learn more about our services or find out if we may be able to assist you, contact our hair loss practice today.