The Hair Loss Doctors By Robert J. Dorin

Reducing Infection after Hair Transplant Surgery

Nov 8, 2013 @ 09:00 AM — by Robert True
Tagged with: Hair Loss Hair Transplants

The professionals at the hair loss clinic True & Dorin in Manhattan specialize in surgical and non-surgical treatments, including hair transplants. Infection, while rare, is possible after undergoing any surgical treatment, including hair transplantation. To reduce a patient’s risk of infection after a surgical hair transplant procedure such as follicular unit transplantation, antibiotics may be given before and after the procedure. Dr. True and Dr. Dorin provide patients with aftercare instructions and tips to help reduce the risk of infection and ensure a positive and successful outcome after surgery.

How to Reduce Infection after Hair Transplant Surgery

While rare, the risk of infection after hair transplant surgery should be taken seriously. An infection has the potential to affect the outcome of the hair transplant surgery. Infection can damage the transplanted hair grafts which may cause unsatisfactory results. Fortunately, infection after hair transplant surgery is usually easy to avoid.

The most effective way that a patient can reduce his or her risk of infection after hair transplant surgery is by carefully following all post-surgical instructions. The purpose of post-surgical instructions is to ensure a successful outcome and an easier and quicker recovery period.

Other ways in which a patient can minimize his or her risk of infection after hair transplant surgery include:

Schedule a Consultation with True & Dorin

If you would like to learn more about how to reduce infection after hair transplant surgery or to schedule a confidential consultation, please contact True & Dorin today.