The Hair Loss Doctors By Robert J. Dorin

What Is Considered Normal Hair Loss?

Sep 25, 2013 @ 12:55 PM — by Robert True
Tagged with: Hair Loss Hair Transplants

In the past, thinning hair was considered a problem primarily affecting men. Both men and women alike may experience hair loss. Hair loss can affect men and women at any age, even in their late teens to early 20s. Today, more than ever before, it seems that people of a younger age are experiencing hair loss. The loss of one’s hair does not happen overnight. Hair loss occurs gradually over a period of time. This can make it difficult for a patient to know when his or her hair loss first began.

What Is Considered Normal Hair Loss?

Hair loss is normal and should be expected, right? Well, to an extent it is. Normal hair loss varies from person to person. A person with red hair may only lose 50 hairs a day, while a person with darker hair may lose 100 or more hairs a day.

Should I Be Concerned about My Hair Loss?

Among the most commonly asked questions at the hair loss clinic, True & Dorin in New York is, “Is my hair loss considered normal hair loss?” If you are asking yourself if you should be concerned about the amount of hair you are losing, the answer is most likely yes, you should be concerned. When experiencing normal hair loss, even the loss of 100 hairs a day has very little impact on the density of the hair. Normal hair loss often goes unnoticed. It is not until excessive hair loss has occurred that a patient typically begins to question if they are experiencing normal hair loss.

What Are Signs of Excessive Hair Loss?

In normal hair loss, a person may find a small amount of hair in his or her hair brush, left in the shower or bath, or on his or her clothing. Thinning hair across the entire scalp and thinning hair on the top or the crown of the head is a sign of excessive hair loss and is not normal. A changing hairline that moves backward or recedes is a sign of excessive hair loss. Another sign that a person may be experiencing excessive hair loss is finding large amounts of fallen hair on the pillow in the morning, in the hairbrush, on clothing, or in the shower or bath.

How Can I Stop My Hair Loss?

The earlier that hair loss is treated, the better the result. The cause of a patient’s hair loss can greatly affect the course of treatment. Certain medical issues can cause a patient to experience excessive hair loss. Some patients find that treating the medical issue causing their hair loss is effective at restoring thicker, fuller hair.

Patients in the early stages of hair loss may be able to achieve regrowth of the hair or stabilize their hair loss through topical treatment such as Minoxidil. Hair restoration surgery may be a more suitable treatment for more extensive hair loss. One of the most effective hair restorative procedures performed today is follicular unit transplantation (FUT).

Learn More

To learn more about what is considered normal hair loss, please contact the hair restoration specialists at True & Dorin Medical Group today.