The Hair Loss Doctors By Robert J. Dorin

Causes of Female Hair Loss

Jul 29, 2012 @ 06:53 PM — by Robert True
Tagged with: Hair Loss Balding Female Hair Loss Hair Replacement

When you hear about hair loss, many people think about men going bald. This is not uncommon given how often male pattern baldness gets mentioned on television or reported on the news. Yet women can also experience hair loss, and sometimes it can be quite drastic, requiring treatment from hair loss specialists. The team at our New York hair loss clinic would like to look at this issue in brief detail right now.

Women and Hair Loss - Is it common?

A certain amount of hair loss is actually common. Both men and women will lose roughly 50 to 100 hairs a day through normal activities, such as combing, styling, and showering. In women just as in men, hair loss can occur due to a number of genetic and hormonal factors. When a woman has experienced pronounced hair loss, it's important that she visit our hair restoration specialists in New York City and other parts of the East Coast to find out what can be done to address this matter. Below are just four common causes of female hair loss.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium involves the loss of hair following emotionally stressful or psychologically stressful events. Many women will experience telogen effluvium after childbirth. Hair loss can be quite severe, sometimes in handfuls at a time. That said, many women will experience this issue only temporarily in the weeks after pregnancy. For some women, the issue will persist for months after.

Anagen Effluvium

Anagen effluvium involves issues with the hair follicles, inhibiting the growth of hair. People often experience this kind of hair loss as a result of chemotherapy. In terms of New York hair loss causes, we've assisted many women and men dealing with this sort of hair loss as a result of their necessary medical treatment.

Androgenic Alopecia

Though androgenic alopecia is better known as male pattern baldness, women can also experience this condition in varying degrees. In fact, androgenic alopecia is the leading cause of baldness in humans. For women experiencing androgenic alopecia, the condition results in overall thinning of the hair, but it rarely results in total baldness.

Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia is a kind of baldness caused by pulling of the hair. This is especially true of hairstyles that pull the hairs tight, like cornrows, tight ponytails, and braids.

Treatments for Hair Loss

The best hair loss treatments for women experiencing hair loss really depends on the cause of the hair loss. In the case of traction alopecia, for instance, women may just need to avoid hairstyles that pull their hair tight. Similarly, cases of telogen effluvium may be temporary and not require any treatment for hair loss. In other cases, hair replacement or transplants will be required. It's best that you visit our practice for a consultation so we can determine the most effective treatment option.

Learn More About Hair Loss Treatments

If you would like to learn more about the causes of female hair loss and the various treatments available for baldness, contact our New York City hair loss treatment center today. The teams at our various offices throughout the East Coast look forward to helping you make the best decision about your hair and your overall appearance.