The Hair Loss Doctors By Robert J. Dorin

Hair Loss Risk Factors

Apr 26, 2011 @ 11:52 PM — by Robert True
Tagged with: Hair Loss Balding

Hair loss can affect people of different ages. There are many different causes of hair loss, and some of them are preventable to some extent. The team here at our New York City hair transplant surgery center would like to take just a little time right now to look at the common risk factors for hair loss. This may help you identify behaviors you can change in order to keep your head of hair as you get older.

One thing to keep in mind is that baldness is genetic. The thing to keep in mind, however, is to disregard old wives’ tales that you may have head. Your maternal grandfather does not hold the answer to baldness in the future. The genes of both your parents will determine the likelihood of you experiencing hair loss or pattern baldness as you age.

One avoidable type of hair loss is known as traction alopecia. Basically, this is hair loss caused by your hair being pulled too tight. Hairstyles such as ponytails and cornrows can result in this sort of hair loss. Ideally, you don’t want to put this type of tension on your scalp, and avoiding such stress on the scalp can help you keep your hair longer.

Some people who are dealing with iron deficiency will experience thinning of the hair, so it’s important to eat a balanced diet. In general, nutrition and good overall health can help prevent hair loss down the road. Some studies have suggested a link between smoking and balding, so you’d be advised to quit for this and other obvious reasons.

Hormonal changes will affect hair growth and hair loss. Many women who have just given birth may notice additional hair shed from their scalp. This is normal as the hormone levels adjust. That said, it’s important to note any instances of excessive hair loss and bring it to their attention of your doctor as it may be the sign of a systemic disorder or adverse health condition.

If you would like to learn more about how to address baldness and the hair transplant costs in New York City, it’s important that you meet with the team at True & Dorin for a consultation. To schedule an appointment, contact our New York City hair restoration center today.